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WUFI Pro: Heat & Moisture Simulation Workshop – Online

Event Details

Join us in 2025 for this online WUFI® Pro training with expert speakers Joseph Little and Christian Bludau.

Event information - Heat & Moisture Simulation Workshop | Assess Risk & Prevent Interstitial Condensation (online training)

Is the building you are designing or retrofitting:

  • traditionally built or a protected structure?
  • to feature a solid wall or unventilated roof buildup?
  • tall or in an area of strong winds?
  • damp or considered problematic?
  • to be fitted with internal wall insulation?
  • to be made very airtight and highly insulated?
  • to feature timber or moisture-sensitive materials in vulnerable positions?

If you are concerned about interstitial condensation, mould or rot then you need to evaluate the risks with WUFI® Pro.

This two-day online course provides a practical, hands-on introduction to WUFI® Pro hygrothermal numerical simulation. WUFI® is the world leading simulation software for understanding the risk of interstitial condensation, mould, rot and freeze-thaw in buildings. The training includes guided use of the software, and a 6-week temporary licence of the full version of the WUFI® Pro software, as well as access to support on the online WUFI® Forum. 

Guidance & Assessment

Despite WUFI® being available since 1995 and being validated to BS EN 15026 since that standard was first published in 2007, it was only in 2016 that BS 5250 - the Code of Practice for Control of Condensation in Buildings referred to BS EN 15026 and acknowledged transient hygrothermal simulation (as ‘full modelling’). The Code of Practice has recently been significantly re-thought and re-written. The 2021 edition of BS 5250 is underpinned by an ethos that is more up-to-date, more risk averse, more focused on capacity, systemic thinking and in-service conditions.

Since 2012 an increasingly coherent library of serious, peer-reviewed guides has been published to support appropriate specification, particularly of renovation of historic buildings. One of these Technical Paper 15, authored by J. Little, C. Ferraro and B. Arregi, (published by Historic Environment Scotland) will be referred to alongside BS 5250 in the 2-day workshop. BS 5250 may be purchased here. Technical Paper 15 may be viewed or downloaded free (as pdf) here.

Despite these positive changes, most building material suppliers and many building design professionals still prefer to carry out hygrothermal risk assessment using the Glaser Method. The Introduction of BS EN 15026 (2023) states the limitations of the Glaser method: ‘While the Glaser method considers only steady-state conduction of heat and vapour diffusion, the transient hygrothermal simulation models which are composed of the formulae defined in this document also take account of heat and moisture storage, latent heat effects and liquid and convective transport under realistic boundary and initial conditions.'

The Glaser method cannot assess the impact of:

  • imperfect construction (such as air leakage in internal air barrier and rain ingress at cracks)
  • short-term weather events (like driving rain, sunshine and freeze thaw)
  • orientation and exposure
  • hygroscopic materials (like brick, plaster, timber and many insulants)
  • construction moisture
  • material characteristics that vary (depending on changes in moisture or temperature etc.)

What is the sense of assessment that excludes real world conditions and variability? WUFI® Pro can be used to assess all such conditions and more.

Topics discussed will include the vocabulary and fundamentals of building physics, practical examples with WUFI® Pro, interpretation of results, the compliance context in the UK, and a review of completed case studies. Particular attention is paid in the course to how one carries out risk assessments when there is a lack of data on the hygrothermal characteristics of commonly used or existing building materials in the UK. Attendees will learn how to input building fabric assemblies, including orientation and location etc., and run simulations on different configurations, including their own projects.

Who should attend?

The workshop is open to all building professionals, e.g. architects, engineers, surveyors, insulation suppliers, system manufacturers, builders and anyone with a focus on fabric performance. No previous experience with the WUFI® Pro software is required.

There are now thousands of WUFI® Pro users around the world and rising fast. Book now to join the growing ranks of WUFI® simulators. Our previous WUFI® Pro courses have sold out so book now to secure your place!

See a highlights video from the 2018 WUFI® Pro course on YouTubePlease click here to access the programme. 

ARB and RIBA Mandatory CPD Requirements

As of January 2024, all architects on the UK Register are required by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to record and confirm participation in CPD to maintain registration. ARB’s CPD scheme is activity-based and is focused on learning outcomes. You can find out more about ARB’s CPD requirements here.

View or download this checklist which shows in more detail how attendance on this course can help you meet these requirements. 

Registration information

Course fees include the 2-day course tuition and the full version of the WUFI® Pro software with a 6-week temporary licence (non-commercial use only), as well as access to support on the online WUFI® Forum. Save 10% when you book before 20th December (discount already calculated in the purchase price). 

Participants must use a MS Windows-compatible laptop (on which they have administrator privileges – otherwise please ask about installing the software prior to the workshop) and will receive the full version of the WUFI ® Pro software with a 6-week temporary licence. Please note the software CANNOT be installed on a Mac.

Dates and times for this 2 day online training course:

Wednesday 26th February 2025. 08:45-17:30.  Day 1
Thursday 27th February 2025. 09:00-17:30.  Day 2

Can't make February? We're running the same course in June

About the Speakers

Christian Bludau, Dr.-Ing., Senior Researcher - Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP), Germany

Christian Bludau is a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics,
Department for Hygrothermics, in Germany.

Christian received his Diploma in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, Germany in 2001. After his studies he worked as research assistant at the
Institute for Building Materials and the Institute for Structural Engineering at the
University of the German Armed Forces in Munich.

He has worked as researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics since 2005 and from 2011 to 2015 he had held a lectureship for building physics / moisture control in buildings at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg. He finished his PHD with the topic "Special boundary conditions for the hygrothermal simulation of flat roofs in timber constructions" in 2021.

His research interests focus on the hygrothermal conditions in wall and roof constructions with special interests in the thermal behaviour of flat roofs as well as the simulation of corrosion processes in concrete. Christian has been involved in many WUFI® seminars, lessons and workshops during the last few years.                   

Joseph Little, BArch, MSc Arch. AEES, TU Dublin                                     

Joseph Little is Head of Building Performance and Construction in the School of
Architecture, Building and Environment, TU Dublin.

He is the manager of School programmes relating to construction and building performance, and programme chair of MSc in Building Performance (Energy Efficiency in Design). He researches and lectures in hygrothermal risk assessment
and energy efficiency of historic dwellings.

Little is a director and founder member of the Irish Green Building Council and a member of the National Scientific Committee on Energy Efficiency, Sustainability and Climate Change in ICOMOS. He is also the Irish co-operation partner of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics in relation to training and development of the WUFI suite of hygrothermal evaluation software.


What have delegates said about previous WUFI® Pro Workshops?

"Very good ... most useful was an overview of WUFI Pro, its function, versatility and application in many areas giving me a better appreciation of the software ... Enjoyed the case studies."

"Excellent ... useful tutorial and hands on training with software ... unbiased views & discussions on industry conventions and software."

“Very good mix of theory & worked examples – didn’t assume we already knew everything."

"Excellent ... Great volume of material to study, and the speaker’s expertise and experience."

This event is held in partnership with:





26/02/2025 08:45 to 27/02/2025 17:30
Online Training
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Members £650.00
Non-Members £700.00
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