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Airtightness 3: Airtightness specification drawings – the process from a contractor’s perspective (Online)

Event Details

Our four-part Airtightness training series in partnership with Ecological Buildings Systems. Each session can be attended as a stand alone course, or if attending the whole series they will compliment each other.

Event information - About the series

Airtightness and vapour control are crucial when creating a low energy or Passive House building. Achieving and installing stringent levels of airtightness may feel daunting, but this training series will guide contractors and builders on both theoretical and practical training for both domestic and commercial projects. The benefits of airtightness and vapour control are substantial and numerous, including reduced energy consumption, improved levels of comfort and a healthy environment for occupants when combined with effective ventilation and, importantly, structural durability.

We spend around 90% of our time indoors and most building failures are caused by moisture related issues, the need for active moisture management, lifetime building durability and a healthy living environment become more crucial than ever. During these four sessions, you will learn what airtightness is (and isn’t), why it matters, the causes and effects of poor moisture management and current vs. future airtightness standards.  

The training series highlights the importance of a collaborative approach on site and for a change in attitude to interpret airtightness designs and construct buildings that are more durable, healthy, and fit for the future.

You will also see lots of practical installations and engagement offering help and advice on all those details you previously considered might be tricky and how they can easily be solved with just a little forethought, knowledge and the right products and tools. You will receive industry leading training from highly experienced technical professionals with the opportunity to engage throughout. View the full programme here

Who should attend?

Builders, contractors, architects, designers and other professions should attend to get an invaluable insight into airtightness, vapour control and detailing, and the importance of a collaborative approach when on site.

Other sessions in the series

Special offer: Book all 4 in the series for a reduced rate. £129 for members, £173 for non-members - a saving of over 10%. You can also book 3 places for the price of 2 when booking for 3 people from the same organisation. See below for more details. 

About this session: Airtightness 3: Airtightness specification drawings - the process from a contractor’s perspective


9.00 - 9.50: 'Rules for the Red and Blue Lines' with Niall Crosson and Joe Fitzgerald

There will be a recap on the red line rule for the air barrier line and how to define and review it. Also taking a brief look at wind tightness, how it’s defined, and looking at the blue line rule. In the first part of this session, we will demonstrate how drawings are marked for 3 common building types and the strategies to adopt for sealing; CLT, timber frame and masonry. Define the air barrier line and all the connections, how they are made, what the air barrier is and how it connects to the different components.

9.50 - 10.00: Break

10.00 - 11.30: Breakout rooms for delegates to assess and mark drawings for either CLT, timber frame or masonry.

In the second part of this third session, delegates can choose a breakout room with a build type, CLT, timber frame or masonry and look at elevation drawings with examples of different junctions and mark them up live. An experienced technical mentor will work along side each group to facilitate the process and discussion.

At the end of this session, each breakout group will come back to the main group to summarise their drawings and give feedback on their airtightness conclusions and solutions.

This session will show why an Airtightness Champion is key to success. Showing that communication and coordination to interpret drawings and create an airtightness strategy on site among different construction disciplines is key.

ARB and RIBA Mandatory CPD Requirements

As of January 2024, all architects on the UK Register are required by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to record and confirm participation in CPD to maintain registration. ARB’s CPD scheme is activity-based and is focused on learning outcomes. You can find out more about ARB’s CPD requirements here.

View or download this checklist which shows in more detail how attendance on this course can help you meet these requirements.

About the trainers

Niall Crosson, Group Technical Director, Ecological Building Systems

Niall Crosson is Group Technical Manager at Ecological Building Systems. Niall holds a degree as a Bachelor of Technology (1st class Hons.) and a Masters Eng. Sc. He is also a Certified Passivhaus Consultant. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Irish Green Building Council and provides guidance on a number of national standard committees.

He has provided guidance to many award-winning low energy projects in Ireland and the UK. He has also co-authored and authored chapters for a number of low energy building publications including The Passivhaus Handbook and The Passivhaus Designers Manual. Niall also provides regular technical contributions to a number of construction publications including The Journal of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland.


Joe Fitzgerald, Technical Specification Manager, Ecological Building Systems

Joe has worked with Ecological Building Systems since 2017 after completing his studies, with undergraduate qualifications in both Sustainable Construction and Energy Management and a postgraduate qualification in Green Engineering. More recently, Joe has also added postgraduate qualifications in advanced thermal modelling and hygrothermal risk assessment.


Gregg Peel, Technical Specification Advisor, Ecological Building Systems

Gregg joined the Ecological UK Technical Team in 2022.  Working in construction for over 9 years, he brings technical specification skills and practical hands-on experience; particularly in relation to roofs. Latterly he provided technical support, backed up with U-value calculations and condensation reports, in the insulation and membrane industry advising architects, builders and specifiers across many different building applications.



What do delegates say about previous seminars with these trainers?

"Excellent diagrams clearly explaining the concepts and practical examples and common problem descriptions."
"Very clear, helpful and very well done!"
"Excellent ... good mix of technical and practical demonstration."

Working in partnership with


Special offers

  • Book all 3 in the series for a reduced rate: £129 for members, £173 for non-members - a saving of over 10%
  • Book 3 places for the price of 2. Use this discount code when registering: 342
    The 342 discount can only be used for 3 people from the same organisation booking a place at the same event / whole series of events
15/10/2025 from 09:00 to 11:30
Event Fee(s)
Members (This event only) £45.00
Non-Members (This event only) £60.00
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