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Using WUFI for Assessing Moisture Risk in Retrofit (Online)

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WUFI is an acronym becoming increasingly common in the field of retrofit, but remaining little understood. What is it? When is it needed? How does it work? What are its limitations? And in what context should its results be interpreted?

This new seminar has been created in response to the evident need for a greater awareness and understanding of WUFI® and of moisture risk assessment in general. 

This new seminar will take delegates through:

  • WUFI® compared with other moisture risk assessment methods
  • how WUFI® works
  • when you might need a WUFI® assessment
  • what to expect when you commission a WUFI® assessment
  • where the uncertainties and pitfalls lie
  • how best to use the results to help inform your retrofit decisions

This is not a ‘how to’ course (that’s already covered in a separate Green Register course) but rather a practical look at its functions, strengths and weaknesses, how it can be used in projects and how much certainty (or otherwise) should be expected from a WUFI® assessment.

The course is based around real case studies, allowing delegates to see how the assessment process works, how results are interpreted, how the outputs relate to good-practice retrofit principles and ultimately what they mean for design decisions. Case studies will cover different areas of the UK and cover a range of building scales and construction types, with both wall and roof insulation scenarios being covered.

This course is based on WUFI® Pro, a 1-dimensional simulation programme and the most widely-used WUFI® tool.

About WUFI

WUFI® (Wärme Und Feuchte Instationär – heat and moisture transiency) is one of the most detailed heat and moisture simulation and analysis tools currently available to inform responsible, low risk retrofit. The use of such tools is particularly valuable for traditionally-constructed buildings. WUFI® is:

  • the main tool which fulfills all requirements of British Standard BS EN 15026
  • widely cited in British Standard BS 5250:2021 Management of moisture in buildings
  • increasingly recommended in good-practice retrofit guidance, from organisations including the British Standards Institute (BSI), BEIS, BRE, the Passivhaus Trust, Historic Environment Scotland and others

About the speaker

This course is developed and led by Nicholas Heath, Director of NDM Heath Ltd., an independent sustainable energy consultancy specialising in the retrofit of traditional and historic buildings. Nick is a Certified Passivhaus Consultant, Level 5 Retrofit Coordinator and SAP assessor, and is Associate Technical Director of the Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance (STBA). He has developed retrofit strategies for traditional and historic buildings across the UK and led award-winning, policy-changing projects. He has taught for the Green Register on various aspects of retrofit for many years, with overwhelmingly positive feedback from delegates.

In recent years WUFI® assessments have become an increasingly large part of Nick’s work on retrofit, and he has carried out WUFI® assessments on projects across the UK, on buildings of all scales and historic designations.

22/10/2024 from 09:30 to 11:30
Online Training
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Members £36.00
Non-Members £48.00
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