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Retrofit Skills – Module 7 Services Practical Ventilation 05-12-24

Event Details

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Welcome to Module 7 - Services Practical (Ventilation), the last module of the Retrofit Skills Level 2 course.

In this session:

  • Ventilation Systems
  • Space and maintenance
  • Practical
  • Who does what?
  • Assessment

In this module, trainer Ben East will introduce MEV and MVHR ventilation systems and demonstrate how to fit and maintain them.

After this, you’ll move on to the practical element of the module where we’ll cover some basic construction techniques for ventilation systems, as well as commonly-used techniques like safely core-drilling holes for new extract fans, how to block up holes where existing fans were, and how to run a duct from a floor joist zone ands into a wall. You will be assessed on this.

The practical assessment for this module will require you to demonstrate that you can fit one component of a ventilation system to another.

After you have completed the in-person part of this module, you will be required to complete a series of multiple-choice questions for the online assessment.

Both practical and online assessments will need to be finished before this module can be considered complete.


About the Trainer

AD_4nXfEW6yUHT8SOW2gj_j90yDiEEp-ocOkNYpoOOCprz4A0j5swgmyFSdRNwoSRdw9qO1afJk5IZMoLJzATML2rUAb4BR9-BYoC5DY2PxLhprR6k5UIr6ZR29ZW4DsMonBTRF6DUtNVtvCaYZfxrhSooscFGw?key=9Fi-xjMP71c9S_-XPDwC3QBen East, Earthwise Construction   

Ben is the Director and Project Manager for Earthwise Construction, and is a qualified Carpenter with over 20 years’ experience. Ben manages all of Earthwise’s construction-based projects. He is passionate about sustainable construction and is a committed environmentalist. Ben holds a MSc Architecture: Advanced Energy & Environment Studies (Distinction) from the Centre for Alternative Technology and is a certified Passive House/Passivhaus Tradesperson. Ben also sits on the board of directors for Retrofit West CIC.
As far as ventilation is concerned, Ben installed his first MVHR system in 2008 and since then has been involved in the design, installation, commissoning and servicing of MVHR systems through the ventilation arm of Earthwise and they have installed hundreds of systems nationwide design.


Travel Information


There is limited parking available on site for up to 3 vehicles but these must be parked outside Unit 12 and not in front of other units. There is some on-street pay and display parking on Philip St, Clarke St and Willway St and parking in Asda Bedminster's car park is free for 2 hours and then you can pay-and-display online for further time.


Cycling racks are available nearby on Bedminster Parade and East Street. You may also be allowed to take them inside the venue to store them, however please note that this is up to the discretion of the venue.


Public transport is available nearby from routes serving Bedminster. Please refer to the First Bus website for further information.


What to Bring

We recommend that you bring either a phone, laptop or tablet with you to the practical session. These are needed for the online assessment for this module. There will be one laptop at the venue to use if you forget to bring a device with you. 

Please be aware that we will require you to bring a form of photographic ID to the practical session to verify your identity. Trainers will not take a photo of your ID, but they will need to collect your full name and date of birth.
Valid forms of photographic ID include:

  • Driving licence
  • Passport
  • CSCS Card
  • Work ID


About the Venue

Earthwise Construction is a sustainable building company based in Bristol, with over 18 years of green building experience. We offer comprehensive eco-design & build services, and specialise in Passivhaus timber frame new builds and whole house retrofits. 

We are also a stockist of Pro Clima’s Airtightness tapes and membranes, available for collection from our unit in Bristol or delivery. Additionally, we offer a full turnkey ventilation service, including the design, supply, installation, commissioning, and servicing/repairs of MVHR and DCV ventilation systems. All stages are handled by our in-house team, with nationwide coverage. Minimising environmental impact and maximising energy efficiency is at the heart of everything we do.



Photos may be taken during this session that will include learners. You agree to having pictures taken of you and being used by us and our partners to promote this qualification by booking onto the session.

If you wish to opt out of being in any pictures, please email us at

05/12/2024 from 14:00 to 16:00
Earthwise Construction
12 Windmill Farm Business Centre
Bartley Street
Bristol, BST BS3 4DB
United Kingdom
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