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Ventilation Series 1: Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) – (Online)

Event Details

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Join us for this 2-part online series on ventilation, with the first session offering an overview of ventilation and a focus on demand controlled ventilation and the second session covering MVHR. This session can be attended as a stand-alone seminar, or book both sessions at a special series rate.

Event information

We spend 90% of our lives inside buildings and yet the indoor air quality is often poor. As we continue to improve the airtightness of our buildings, we need to ensure that the quality of indoor air is maintained for our health and wellbeing.

Trainer Vince House will briefly cover the basic principles of ventilation and look at different ventilation systems available today. He will explain how demand controlled ventilation works and why it performs as a low carbon solution when space and budget are tight.  

Vince will present a case study on Thamesmead estate’s groundbreaking and award-winning Condensation, Damp and Mould (CD&M) Strategy and how the demand controlled ventilation system worked and was delivered within this project.  

Other sessions in this series


ARB and RIBA Mandatory CPD Requirements

As of January 2024, all architects on the UK Register are required by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to record and confirm participation in CPD to maintain registration. ARB’s CPD scheme is activity-based and is focused on learning outcomes. You can find out more about ARB’s CPD requirements here.

View or download this checklist which shows in more detail how attendance on this course can help you meet these requirements.

About the trainer

Vince House, Aereco 

Vince has been in the HVAC industry for over 20 years. This time has been divided among manufacturing and contracting, giving a good insight into both the supply chain and the delivery side of the industry. Working predominantly within the social housing sector, Vince is helping to deliver Retrofit to PAS2035 standards and overcoming mould issues. He is passionate about energy efficiency and delivering positive outcomes. 

20/11/2024 from 11:00 to 13:00
Online Training
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Member - 20th Nov session 1 on DCV only £36.00
Non-member - 20th Nov session 1 on DCV only £48.00
Member - both sessions on DCV and MVHR £65.00
Non-member - both sessions on DCV and MVHR £86.00
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