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Building Biology Series – healthy, human-centred, high performance design: Session 2. Building Biology – Compliant Material Specification – London

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Join us for the second of four half-day technical sessions on Building Biology: covering the science, design process, standards, good practice guidance and build examples.

Healthy buildings = healthy people

In the 20 years The Green Register has been operating, construction professionals have come to understand that buildings need to enhance our physical and mental health: healthy building is an essential aspect of sustainable design.

It is a wide-ranging subject, from healthy indoor air quality through to some less well-understood issues such as electromagnetic radiation exposure.

It is essential that the science behind these issues is understood and this series of four half day Building Biology seminars - the UK’s first ever - provides the scientific evidence for all key aspects of healthy buildings.

Delivered by certified Building Biologist and architect Tomas Gaertner, practitioners will gain a deep and thorough understanding of:

  • Design process of healthy buildings
  • Technical standards
  • Good practice guidance
  • Specific measurement methods for indoor air quality
  • Measurement and evaluation of electromagnetic radiation exposure and assessment of possible health risks
  • Case Studies illustrating best practice

Buildings today often contain inherent chemical, physiological and biological risks as a result of materials and processes employed by the construction industry in a drive to minimise costs and build times. Simultaneously the UK currently falls behind European and International standards of best practice concerning the use of many materials.

Building Biology is the holistic study of the interrelationships between humans and their man-made environment. It is the science of creating healthy, life enhancing buildings. The Institute of Building Biology and Sustainability was founded in Germany in 1983 and from this the Building Biology Standard (Standard der Baubiologischen Messtechnik / SBM) was developed. This standard (most recently SBM-2015) gives an overview of the physical, chemical and biological, risks encountered in different parts of a building.

Our course is presented by Tomas Gaertner, one of the experts in the field. Tomas is an architect, certified Building Biologist IBN and founding Director of the Building Biology Association, the UK Partner of the German Institute for Building Biology IBN. He is also a director of SE3Design a design led RIBA chartered practice specialising in human-centred, ecological and sustainable design.

The Building Biology movement is growing with over 6000 architects, doctors, surveyors and material suppliers trained internationally to create interiors which promote life within the built environment.

All Dates:

On average we spend about 90% of our time indoors and 30% of our time in bedrooms. With these exposure times even low concentrations of potentially harmful substances can affect our health in the long term and cause chronic diseases. More vulnerable inhabitants like children and elderly persons are particularly exposed to this risk.

Event Two: Building Biology - Compliant Material Specification

Materials and especially finishes have a significant impact on the indoor environment. Often these are only assessed for VOC (volatile organic compounds), their carbon impact or recycled content. Manufacturers often do not provide full content declaration allowing designers to assess the potential health impacts. 

This seminar will give an overview of the principles behind building biology compliant construction materials, how materials are assessed under this standard, common issues and challenges when sourcing materials and where reliable sources of information can be found.  It will also focus on specification of internal finishes. 

About the trainer:

The sessions are based on the content of the Building Biology distance learning course and will be delivered by Tomas Gaertner.

Tomas is a certified Building Biologist IBN and founding Director of the Building Biology Association, the UK Partner of the German Institute for Building Biology IBN. He is also a director of SE3Design a design led RIBA chartered practice specialising in human-centred, ecological and sustainable design. In 2013 he set up the first accredited UK Building Biology Consultancy and over the last few years helped the IBN to bring their distance learning course on healthy building, which they have been running for more than 40 years, to the UK. Tomas leads on the delivery of the IBN Course’s UK seminar programme. He is a regular speaker at the UK Passivhaus conference and Ecobuild, a fully qualified ARB registered Architect, chartered RIBA member and certified Passivhaus Designer.


TGR / ASBP Members: All four sessions: £225 / Per session £65

Non-Members: All four sessions: £350 / Per session £99

This event is held with thanks to hosts:  

With thanks to partners:

06/02/2020 from 14:00 to 17:00
Pollard Thomas Edwards
Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London, N1 8JX
United Kingdom
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Event Fee(s)
TGR / ASBP Members - All sessions £225.00
Non-members - All sessions £350.00
TGR / ASBP Members - Session 2 only £65.00
Non-members - Session 2 only £99.00
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