We are delighted to be offering the UK’s first ever half-day series of training on Building Biology and so support members and other practitioners to deliver healthy living environments.
Building Biology is the holistic study of the interrelationships between humans and their man-made environment. It is the science of creating healthy, life enhancing buildings. The Institute of Building Biology and Sustainability founded in Germany in 1983 developed the Building Biology Standard (SBM).
The most recent standard (SBM-2015) gives an overview of the physical, chemical and biological, risks encountered in different parts of a building. It offers guidelines on how to: perform specific measurements for other environmental factors such as indoor air quality; measure and evaluate electromagnetic radiation exposure and assess possible health risks.
The Green Register’s new half-day Building Biology Series offers a unique opportunity to learn about Building Biology to a level lower than that delivered by the longer, highly regarded and internationally recognised IBN Building Biology Consultant Course run in the UK by the Building Biology Association.
Our course is presented by Tomas Gaertner one of the experts in the field. Tomas is an architect, certified Building Biologist IBN and founding Director of the Building Biology Association, tthe UK Partner of the German Institute for Building Biology IBN. He is also a director of SE3Design a design led RIBA chartered practice specialising in human-centred, ecological and sustainable design.
The Building Biology movement is growing with over 6000 architects, doctors, surveyors, material suppliers etc trained internationally to create interiors which promote life within the built environment. We believe this course will be a fantastic way to gain an in depth understanding of all aspects of healthy building design.
Event Four: Building Biology - Testing Methods and the SBM2015 (Baubiologie Standard)
The SBM 2015 was developed 30 years ago to identify measurable targets for a healthy environment and the latest version includes criteria for comfort, air quality, radiation, acoustic, lighting and how these are to be assessed.
This session will cover the SBM2015 standard, what it is about, how tests are being carried out and what tools are being used.
The trainer will also bring a selection of standard measurement tools and testing equipment and participants can have a go at using those themselves.
All Dates:
- 14 March 2019 am – Building Biology 1: So much more than just another Ecolabel
- 14 March 2019 pm – Building Biology 2: Compliant Material Specification
- 21 March 2019 am – Building Biology 3: Compliant Services Design
- 21 March 2019 am – Building Biology 4: Testing Methods and the SBM2015
The course is also being held in London on 15th and 29th November 2018.
On average we spend about 90% of our time indoors and 30% of our time in bedrooms. With these exposure times even low concentrations of potentially harmful substances can affect our health in the long term and cause chronic diseases. More vulnerable inhabitants like children and elderly persons are particularly exposed to this risk.
TGR / ASBP Members: All four sessions: £225 / Per session £65
Non-Members: All four sessions: £350 / Per session £99
This event is held in conjunction with:
With thanks to partners:
Stanmer Park
Lewes Road, Stanmer
Brighton, BN1 9PZ
United Kingdom
TGR / ASBP Members - All sessions | £225.00 |
Non-members - All sessions | £350.00 |
TGR / ASBP Members - Session 4 only | £65.00 |
Non-members - Session 4 only | £99.00 |
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