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Futuregrid, the first in our Twilight Talks series – watch for free here

Submitted by birgit on Tue, 09/14/2021 – 12:16

Yesterday The Green Register hosted the first in our Twilight Talks series of free-to-join events. Futuregrid explored the rapid changes required from our electricity grid, our infrastructure and homes as sustainable electric vehicles become commonplace. We welcomed speakers Peter White from Western Power, Lloyd Allen from Bristol City Council and Ben Pearson, electrical contractor with Tundra for the inside track on the power revolution plus updates on the developments happening now and in the near future. If you’d like to view a recording of this highly topical session, you can watch it for FREE here

electric vehicle charging

If Futuregrid left you wanting more on some of the topics raised, these upcoming events might just fit the bill. And if you’re not already a member of The Green Register, attending one of these will open the door, enabling you to apply for membership

Thursday 16th September: A Practical Guide to Installing Heat Pumps

Tuesday 21st September: Driving Retrofit Quality

Thursday 7th October: An Introduction to Sustainable building

Don’t miss the next Twilight Talks sessions on Monday 11th October for Green Building Calculator vs Carbon Terminator and Monday 8th November for EnerPHit – the passivhaus standard for retrofit

We look forward to seeing you soon – The TGR Team

The Green Register’s Twilight Talks are kindly supported by Ecomerchant