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Twilight Talk: How Can We Motivate and Support the Public to Retrofit Their Homes?

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Twilight Talks

The Green Register's early evening talks supported by Ecomerchant: together promoting ethical, healthy sustainable building materials

On the second Monday of each month The Green Register brings you our Twilight Talks - a relaxed and informal string of events on sustainable building matters to complement our regular training topics.

Each one-hour event is FREE of charge and features short talks from one or more speakers. With Q&A and discussion sessions throughout, everyone is invited to be part of the conversation. We hold Twilight talks at 5-6pm, in the sweet spot between work and dinner – so join us to nourish the mind before replenishing the body!

How Can We Motivate and Support the Public to Retrofit Their Homes?

What work is taking place across the UK to support householders, and those working in the supply chain, with retrofit? Join speakers from Future Ready Homes, Retrofit West and People Powered Retrofit in this extended 1.5 hour Twilight Talk to learn about the successes and challenges of promoting domestic retrofit and what needs to happen next.

Speakers Gemma Monk-Hartley and Ben Webster will outline how the Future Ready Homes project has identified the barriers to retrofit for householders, and what is essential in giving them confidence to invest into improving the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of their homes.  What has worked best to motivate householders? 

Simon Andrews will talk about the work Retrofit West are doing, giving a summary of its early learnings and identified challenges that consumers, homeowners and organisations working in the supply chain are facing and what Retrofit West are doing to assist them. He will then discuss in greater depth the work on training and development that Retrofit West are leading on, what this entails and how they are engaging the supply chain to facilitate this in the right way.

Marianne Heaslip joins us on behalf of People Powered Retrofit - a cooperative retrofit, one stop shop that collaborates with householders, designers, contractors and community energy organisations to support the delivery of domestic retrofit projects. Marianne will share some insights from PPR's work in general and then focus on their work with finance, part of the government's Green Homes Finance Accelerator programme.

While we know finance is not the only or often even the biggest barrier in retrofit for many people, the last few years have made a dent in budgets for retrofit. Marianne will explain how PPR is working with a consortium of credit unions to develop new lending products to support retrofit, and how this parallels with programmes happening now under the Inflation Reduction Act in the USA and partner cooperative one stop shops across the EU.

The Twilight Talk will round up with a question and answer session with all speakers.

About the Speakers

Simon Andrews, MD, Retrofit West

Simon is the MD of Retrofit West; he has been involved in housing asset management for most of his career and is acutely aware of the importance of home. He has worked extensively across the industry working for landlords, contractors and consultants leading multifaceted teams delivering large investment programs and has worked with national governments on the development of retrofit strategies. Simon is passionate about the importance of retrofit and is excited by the opportunities presented by the challenges that exist in creating scale, capability and understanding across the industry.

Marianne Heaslip, Co-Founder and Techinical Directore, People Powered Retrofit

Marianne Heaslip is a co-founder and Technical Director at People Powered Retrofit. She's an architect who has specialised in retrofit over the last 15 years, working in social housing and community-led projects as well as advising private householders. Much of this work was carried out in collaboration with Carbon Coop. People Powered Retrofit (PPR) grew out of this collaboration, and was established as an independent community benefit society in 2021. After a successful community share offer, PPR started trading in 2022, working with householders across the north west and supporting other organisations to do the same.

Benjamin Webster, Senior Project Manager, Marches Energy Agency

Ben is a Senior Project Manager at Marches Energy Agency (MEA), leading their Domestic Retrofit team. With a background in architectural design and ‘natural building’ methodologies working on a range of sustainable design and community projects in the UK and abroad, Ben has taken a lateral step into the retrofit sector, recently qualifying as a Retrofit Coordinator. Ben has overseen the development of the Future Ready Homes programme for the past year – which aims to unpack how a successful delivery pathway for domestic retrofit can be developed in the self-funded market across Shropshire, Telford, and Herefordshire.


Twilight Talks are supported by Ecomerchant.

08/07/2024 from 17:00 to 18:30
Online Training
United Kingdom
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