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Site visit: Inside Josh Wood’s low-carbon city self-build

Event Details

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Part 2

The second part to our March Twilight Talk where Josh from Green Trace Architect will take us on a tour of the house at what is anticipated to be the final stages of the works before the internal boarding takes place, meaning delegates can see all the services relating to the sustainable M&E and the construction system.

Josh’s blog describes the planning and technical design stages in more detail. 


Travel Info

3 Belfry Alley, Bristol BS5 7FT

There is limited street parking around the building but Belfry Avenue is narrow and it is advised not to drive down it. Please find alternative ways of travelling to the site where possible. 


About the speaker

Josh Wood is the founder and director of GreenTrace Architect; an architectural practice operating in the South-West of England, specialising in high performance, low impact, elegant homes.  As well as a registered architect, Josh is also a craftsman and an advocate for onsite construction experience in the profession. Josh also tutors architecture at UWE, encouraging students to think holistically about their projects and to consider sustainability at the outset of the creative process.



29/03/2023 from 17:00 to 18:00
3 Belfry Alley, Bristol
United Kingdom
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Event Fee(s)
Members £22.50
Non-Members £30.00
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