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Ventilation Series 2: Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (Online)

Event Details

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Part of an online 2-part series on ventilation, with the first session offering an overview of ventilation and a focus on demand controlled ventilation and this second session covering MVHR. This session can be attended as a stand-alone seminar, or see the listing for the first session to book both sessions at a special series rate.

Event information

We spend 90% of our lives inside buildings and yet the indoor air quality is often poor. As we continue to improve the airtightness of our buildings, we need to ensure that the quality of indoor air is maintained for our health and wellbeing. 

Tom Heywood and Ben East will explain when it is right to use MVHR, good design watchpoints, making space for ducts and units, what makes MVHR perform optimally and the critical points for good installation and commissioning. You will understand the range of benefits MVHR will deliver from a health, comfort and performance perspective.  

Ben will show us an MVHR set-up at his Bristol showroom. Tom is currently installing MVHR in his own retrofit, so he brings his personal experience of the practical considerations involved with MVHR and retrofit projects. 

Other sessions in this series


ARB and RIBA Mandatory CPD Requirements

As of January 2024, all architects on the UK Register are required by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to record and confirm participation in CPD to maintain registration. ARB’s CPD scheme is activity-based and is focused on learning outcomes. You can find out more about ARB’s CPD requirements here.

View or download this checklist which shows in more detail how attendance on this course can help you meet these requirements. 

About the speakers

Tom Heywood, MVHR Department Manager, 21°

With a background in Architectural Technology, Tom worked in the 21° MVHR Design Team for 7 years before becoming the department manager. Tom has worked on a range of projects including large and small scale domestic, small scale commercial, Passivhaus, Enerphit/Retrofit and new build. Tom is currently installing MVHR in his own retrofit so is very familiar with the practical space constraints presented on these projects.


Ben East, Earthwise Construction   

Ben is a Project Manager and qualified Carpenter with over 20 years’ experience. Ben manages all of Earthwise’s construction-based projects. He is passionate about sustainable construction and is a committed environmentalist. Ben holds a MSc Architecture: Advanced Energy & Environment Studies (Distinction) from the Centre for Alternative Technology and is a certified Passive House/Passivhaus Tradesperson. 

26/11/2024 from 11:00 to 13:00
Online Training
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Member £36.00
Non-member £48.00
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