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ES3: Achieving Airtightness, Why and How: The need for joined up thinking for joined up building! – Online

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Event series: "A fabric first approach to healthier more energy efficient new and existing buildings."
ES1: How to Internally Insulate Solid Stone and Brick Walls: 1st March 2023, 09.00 - 11.00
ES2: Roofs, External Walls and Floors: 15th March 2023, 09.00 - 12.30
ES3: Achieving Airtightness: 29th March 2023, 09.00 - 12.00


A half-day session exploring the theory and practice of achieving higher levels of airtightness - how to ‘build tight and ventilate right’

Buildings that achieve higher levels of airtightness tend to also be built and executed to a much higher quality level. While airtightness is essential to ensure thermal insulation performs to its optimum and to reduce condensation risk, it must also be combined with an effective ventilation strategy, be it by passive or mechanical means.

At its most basic, airtightness aims to eliminate any unintended gaps or cracks in the external fabric of the building. Ventilation focuses on replacing the stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air to meet the occupant’s needs. The key is to ‘build tight and ventilate right’!

More demanding building regulations not only require an improvement in individual skills but require a change in attitude to working collectively with a focused, co-operative approach to achieve compliance with regulations. Higher performing buildings, be it new build or retrofit, require good site control and communication between all trades. The production of truly low energy buildings require diligent attention to detail and co-operation between all trades involved in the construction and renovation processes. All trades should view the house as a system, rather than the sum of its parts. Trades must work as a team. All works must be co-ordinated.

The current fractured approach to building must be changed to a systems-based approach to building, in a similar manner to Passivhaus building principles and the quality standards, which are often observed on low energy or Passivhaus projects in the UK and Germany.

This seminar is part of a series of 3 events on "A fabric first approach to healthier more energy efficient new and existing buildings" and includes:

  • How to Internally Insulate Solid Stone and Brick Walls
  • Roofs, External Walls & Floors
  • Achieving Airtightness

Each event can be attended as a stand alone course, or if attending the whole series they will complement each other.

Special offers

  • Book all 3 in the series for a reduced rate: £110 for members, £150 non-members - a saving of over 10% compared to booking separately!
    To book for the whole series please visit the page for Session 1.
  • Book 3 places for the price of 2. Use this discount code when registering: 342
    The 342 discount can only be used for 3 people from the same organisation booking a place at the same event / whole series of events

About the trainers

Dave Judd is Technical Sales Executive at Ecological Building Systems. Dave has extensive experience with energy efficiency retrofits and is well acquainted with the “fabric first” principles of integrating airtightness and insulation in both new-build and existing buildings. He has also worked within the domestic renewable energy sector, with the main emphasis on solar PV, solar thermal and biomass systems. He has a Degree in Environmental Science and an MSc in Architecture: Advanced Environment & Energy Studies.



Neil Turner is Technical Sales Manager at Ecological Building Systems. A former competent person of the BBA/TIMSA U-Value and Condensation Risk Calculation Competency Scheme, who has been involved in developing CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) European standards, Neil has extensive experience in the building products sector. Neil advises architects, contractors and timber frame specialists on the specification of sustainable insulation products and has been involved in numerous sustainable projects throughout the UK.

Recent projects that Neil has been involved with include:

  • Bristol City Council affordable Passivhaus housing scheme with pro clima systems, Halstatt Construction and Gale & Snowden Architects
  • York Road Montpelier Bristol, internal and external renovation with Diathonite Evolution system, Andrew Dale Architects
  • Oak Meadow Primary School, Thomas Vale Construction and Cygnum pro clima
  • West Dulwich Passivhaus new build pro clima systems, RDA Architects

What have previous delegates said about this seminar?

"Excellent diagrams clearly explaining the concepts and practical examples and common problem descriptions."
"Very clear, helpful and very well done!"
"Excellent ... good mix of technical and practical demonstration."

Working in partnership with

29/03/2023 from 09:00 to 12:00
Event Fee(s)
Members (This event only) £45.00
Non-Members (This event only) £60.00
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