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Fabric First 2: Roofs, External Walls and Floors – Best Practice Refurbishment Solutions for Residential Projects – Online

Event Details

Book 3 delegates for the price of 2:  To apply the 3for2 discount when booking 3 places, please enter "342" in the discount code box at the bottom of this page, and hit apply.  This is for 3 different people attending the same event or series of events.

There is no need to enter a discount code if buying the event series for one person.



Your Registration Info
If you do not have an organisation name to use here, please add your name followed by your profession, e.g. Joe Bloggs, Architect. Please do not put 'self-employed', ‘Freelance’ 'N/A', or similar. Thank you.
Please use the attendee's individual email address as this is how you will be sent the joining instructions for the training/event. Please check that you have spelt the address correctly to avoid problems with non-delivery.
Please note: This question is in addition to our privacy notice and event booking terms and conditions (below) to help us ensure that we only use your personal data in ways that you are happy with. You can update your communication preferences at any time through logging in to our website, using the link in our mailing footer or contacting us by email:
Total for this participant
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