Event Details
- Date: –
- Venue: online webinar
- Categories: Business support
Register for each event individually or book the whole series to get a substantial discount - scroll down for all dates in the series.
Current and future housing needs will require both net-zero and affordability; as well as excellence in design and faster programmes. We know further regulation and the expansion of MMC are coming, and we know step-change is necessary. But many teams are locked into a traditional way of doing things – much of which is slow, expensive and not practical at net-zero levels.
This step-change must not compromise quality of design, aesthetic, comfort, or usability (including flexibility and adaptability). Indeed many of these are felt to be compromised by current poor standards of housing delivery - so we need a new way but also a BETTER way… not just a functionally efficient, cost-effective way; and “not just beautiful design at unaffordable construction cost”.
This two-hour online session will cover:
- Creating change – the meeting of minds and processes of Design Teams to achieve traditional architectural design quality forged with modern methods and processes
- Demonstrating early collaboration with MMC specialists
- Identifying and addressing the key challenges and barriers to combining traditional and modern methods of working and achieving successful outcomes
- Re-writing the project design journey and work stages
- How defining and calculating comfort and usability integrates them into metrics for quality and success
- Sharing lessons learned in case study projects
Julia Bennett , Low Carbon Architect and Green Register Trainer, will host the session. She will be joined by three architects with specialist experience of designing and delivering projects within these constraints:
- Lizzy Westmacott is an Associate Director & Joint Head of Sustainability at ECD Architects. She is a certified Passivhaus designer, working on net zero and Passivhaus large-scale social housing retrofits. Lizzy will focus particularly on the challenges faced by Architects/Designers and others in delivering passivhaus and Net-Zero performance, and talk about specific projects related to this
- Dave Hughes is Design Director of Fuse Architects, a London based practice specialising in the design and delivery of Net Zero Carbon affordable housing. Fuse Architects are a Carbon Neutral business and have won multiple NZC and Offsite awards. Dave is passionate about the practical and viable delivery of large scale NZC housing projects utilising Offsite manufacturing and innovative technologies. Dave will be talking through some of his experiences and observations for the design and delivery of Net Zero Carbon housing and using Offsite manufacture and MMC. Dave will be discussing some of the challenges they faced and some practical solutions to help our clients, and our industry, deliver more NZC housing efficiently and sustainably.
- Jo Cowen. Jo will focus particularly on her experiences and challenges in the delivery of MMC projects. She will address the twin challenges of achieving greater efficiency and commercial viability through innovative/modern methods while protecting design quality, comfort and usability
This live and interactive session will have Q&A breaks, so if you have questions on your net-zero homes project be sure to ask our panel of experts in the live Q&A.
All events in this series
Can be booked as a series or individually:
- TGR members: £30 per session // £150 for all 8 sessions (save £90 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-5)
- Partner rate for GHA members: £32 per session // £160 for all 8 sessions (save £96 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-5)
- Standard non-member rate: £40 per session // £200 for all 8 sessions (save £120 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-5)
Special offers
- Book all 8 in the series for a reduced rate: £150 for members / £160 GHA members / £200 non-members - save up to £120! Please note recordings will be issued for sessions 1-5.
- Book 3 places for the price of 2. Use this discount code when registering: 342
The 342 discount can only be used for 3 people from the same organisation booking a place at the same event / whole series of events
Attendance will make you eligible for Green Register membership
This event series is held in conjunction with:
With thanks to partners:
The ENE project is funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/european-growth-funding.
United Kingdom
Green Register Members - Whole Series (save £90 - with recordings for sessions 1-5) | £150.00 |
Partner rate for GHA members - Whole Series (save £96 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-5) | £160.00 |
Non-members - Whole Series (save £120 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-5) | £200.00 |
Green Register Members - This event only | £30.00 |
Partner rate for GHA members - This event only | £32.00 |
Non Members - This event only | £40.00 |
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Event terms and conditions
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