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ENE Series: Session 3 Delivering affordable net-zero homes – fabric first – addressing the structure and envelope

Event Details

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This event is part of the ‘Delivering Affordable Net-Zero Housing’ series of 8 webinars run in conjunction with the Eastern New Energy project. The series focuses on the nitty gritty details of what is working and what it costs to meet the net-zero challenge.

Register for each event individually or book the whole series to get a substantial discount - scroll down for all dates in the series.

A “fabric first” approach is essential to delivering Passivhaus standard homes and an assured platform for delivering net-zero performance. This session will explore cost effective product, technology and design solutions to this challenge.

This webinar series coincides with delivery of a ground-breaking, cost-effective, net-zero housing scheme in Essex – including a strictly fabric first, Passivhaus approach. The scheme is due on site shortly and the delivery team will give us an insight into the challenges they have addressed, and the opportunities this project is creating. There will also be opportunities to visit the site during the construction phase.

This two-hour online session will cover:

  • Recap - the different definitions of net-zero in construction, who is using them and how these will drive briefs and specifications
  • Why “fabric first” for optimum performance and delivery cost of net-zero housing?
  • What is Passivehaus (and its relation to net-zero) and what are the performance requirements of this standard?
  • The five key principles of Passivhaus design and construction - no thermal bridging; superior windows; MVHR ; quality insulation ; airtight construction
  • Innovative, practical methods (products and technologies) for achieving Passivhaus performance at affordable cost
  • Case studies and examples of Passivhaus and how much did they cost?

Terry McGivern, ex-Development Director at Hanson Building Products and ASW Construction Systems and Chief Executive of London Building Centre, will host the session.

He will also be joined by Lizzy Westmacott from ECD Architects and a Passivhaus expert to outline Passivhaus principles, and review approaches and costs of recent PH developments.

Paul Richards (low rise Housing Lead at the Govt sponsored Construction Innovation Hub) will present and discuss innovative, practical methods (products and technologies) that can assist in delivering Passivhaus performance at more affordable cost.

He will be supported by some of the key suppliers of the products and components that are making cost-effective net-zero delivery possible – window systems, insulation, electrical heating systems, building integrated PV, and others.

This live and interactive session will have Q&A breaks, so if you have questions on your net-zero homes project be sure to ask our panel of experts in the live Q&A.


16:00 Start and Introduction – Terry
The different definitions of net-zero in construction, who is using them and how these will drive briefs and specifications
16:10 Passivhaus expert ENE region
a) Why “fabric first” for optimum performance and delivery cost of net-zero housing?
b) What is Passivhaus (and its relation to net-zero) and what are the performance requirements of this standard?
16:30 ECD Architects
a) The five key principles of Passivhaus design and construction - no thermal bridging; superior windows ; MVHR ; quality insulation ; airtight construction
b) Case Studies from recent and ongoing Passivhaus developments
16:55 Q&A
17:10 Break
17:15 Paul Richards, PRA
a) How can the cost of current approaches be brought down
b) Innovative, practical methods (products and technologies) for achieving Passivhaus performance at affordable cost
17:45 Q&A
18:00 Close

All events in this series

Can be booked as a series or individually:

1. Defining, measuring and evidencing net-zero performance - Thursday 8 Sept,16:00-18:00, Live online
2. How do we make net-zero homes affordable? - Thursday 22 Sept, 16:00-18:00, Live online
4. Energy system solutions for affordable net-zero housing - Monday 17 Oct, 16:00-18:00, Live online


  • TGR members:  £30 per session // £150 for all 8 sessions (save £90 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-2)
  • Partner rate for GHA members: £32 per session // £160 for all 8 sessions (save £96 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-2)
  • Standard non-member rate:  £40 per session // £200 for all 8 sessions (save £120 - with recordings issued for sessions 1-2) 

Special offers

  • Book all 8 in the series for a reduced rate: £150 for members / £160 GHA members / £200 non-members - save up to £120!
    Please note recordings will be issued for sessions 1-
  • Book 3 places for the price of 2. Use this discount code when registering: 342
    The 342 discount can only be used for 3 people from the same organisation booking a place at the same event / whole series of events

Attendance will make you eligible for Green Register membership

This event series is held in conjunction with:

With thanks to partners:

The ENE project is funded by the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. For more information visit

03/10/2022 from 16:00 to 18:00
Event Fee(s)
Green Register Members - Whole Series (save £90 - with recordings for sessions 1-2) £150.00
Partner rate for GHA members - Whole Series (save £96 - with recordings for sessions 1-2) £160.00
Non-members - Whole Series (save £120 - with recordings for sessions 1-2) £200.00
Green Register Members - This event only £30.00
Partner rate for GHA members - This event only £32.00
Non Members - This event only £40.00
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