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Tools for Net Zero and Lifecycle Analysis – Online

Event Details

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We are delighted to offer this live interactive online session offering a practice perspective on working towards delivering Net Zero Embodied Carbon projects, coupled with some of the environmental impacts of materials to consider beyond carbon.

About the session

We will be joined by architects Race Cottam Associates, with speakers Lilly Ingleby and David Speddings who will cover:

What really is Net Zero?

  • Definitions and standards: a project case study of what gets measured in a project
  • Understanding the embodied carbon of materials

Beyond embodied carbon: How to consider the wider environmental impact of materials

  • What are the criteria for a sustainable building material?
  • What LCA tools do we have available?
  • Examining some common materials considerations when seeking to specify sustainable materials
  • A case study to illustrate the challenges of specifying sustainable materials
  • Measuring and modelling the embodied carbon using BIM : A project case study of understanding accuracy and data assumptions
  • Using embodied carbon modelling as a design tool : A project case study of how embodied carbon reduction targets can be achieved
  • Getting to grips with low carbon design principles
  • Whole lifecycle analysis of embodied carbon

About the speakers

Lilly Ingleby

Lilly is an architect and certified Passive House designer. Lilly’s career has seen her work across a broad range of sectors and scales of projects, with notable recent projects including a Wind Turbine production facility and SIPs built schools. 

Lilly is a renewable energy enthusiast; having built and designed a micro-hydro-electric turbine early in her career, which then lead to embarking on a self-build retrofit project addressing issues around UK housing stock energy performance. 

Lilly has lead practice Net Zero Carbon strategies, which has seen her lead the implementation of new software and working practices to tackle this within her designs.

She is passionate about creating a culture of peer learning within our profession through allied professional bodies, local organisations and educational institutions to develop and share the skills the industry needs for the future; as facilitated with roles as a past trustee of the RIBA, past chair of the Sheffield Civic Trust, and teaching associate at The University of Sheffield.

David Speddings

Alongside his experience in education projects, David has worked extensively in process-led projects and heads up Race Cottam Association Energy-from-Waste expertise.

David brings important insight into the sustainability agenda with his wealth of experience in construction. In an age of systemised construction that often fails to consider the future maintenance and repair of the buildings we are creating today, David’s approach ensures projects stay grounded in an appreciation of how buildings work at a material level as well as a system level. 

David will be speaking about his experience on evidencing sustainable materials choices for projects, and on how embodied carbon modelling and optioneering can help meet embodied carbon reduction targets.

25/04/2023 from 16:00 to 18:00
Online Training
United Kingdom
Event Fee(s)
Members £30.00
Non-Members £40.00
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